Sunday Evening Rituals

So.. I’m fully aware I have been pretty inactive for about 2 weeks, and I have no real excuse other than I got far too content with reading all the wonderful blogs I follow and felt completely unmotivated to write anything myself!

However, I’m back and I’m motivated! (Finally!)

I wanted to share with you all my Sunday rituals. It’s so popular to view other people’s morning skin routines or Monday evening self-care routine, so I thought I’d mix it up a little and show you exactly what I do with my Sunday evenings and hopefully, offer you guys some tips on how to fully prepare for the week ahead!

1. First and foremost – declutter your handbag!

I recently discovered this tip and honestly, it has made such an impact on my organisation for the week ahead. If you’re anything like me, throughout the week you end up throwing so much crap into your handbag – receipts, a lipstick you’re wearing that day, water bottles etc. But by Sunday, I find my bag is full of things that just won’t be necessary for my upcoming week. So, every Sunday I spend 10 minutes just clearing out anything I won’t need and making sure I’ve got everything I do – there’s nothing worse than the Monday morning rush and forgetting you’ve completely forgot your lip balm or perfume!

2. Run through the diary..

I didn’t start using a diary until a few months ago, and I’m not really sure how I ever survived without one (?!) so if you haven’t got yourself one, I’d strongly advise it. I’m a pretty forgetful person and I’m nearly always late so having all my plans and timings written down is super helpful for me. Each Sunday, I always make sure to have a quick scan read of what I’ve got coming up ahead. Mainly so that I’ve given myself a heads up of my plans, but also so that I don’t completely forget!

3. A good meal! 

It’s super important to get yourself ready for a busy week with some good food (basically, I love food!) Having a healthy, filling dinner on a Sunday evening is a great way to get your mind and body ready to kick the week ahead’s ass! I know most of you will be having a yummy Sunday roast, but I live on my own with my boyfriend and neither of us are prepared to make a full blown roast on a Sunday, so we skip it (shock horror, I know!). Instead, we’ll make sure we have something just as tasty but with a lot less effort – bolognese, salad and garlic bread is a favourite, and no, I don’t care that it’s double carbs!

4. Monday’s outfit plan! 

My outfits are super important to me. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes it needs to be a ‘jeans and baggy jumper’ day but most of the time, I like to make an effort. Especially if I’ve checked the diary and I’ve got a work meeting the following day, then baggy jumpers aren’t ideal. My Sunday evening always involves figuring out Monday’s outfit – I don’t spend hours and I don’t pick things and hang them all out, but I just have a scan of my wardrobe and make a mental note of what I’m going to wear (this also helps if you’re like me, forever late, as you won’t be spending time choosing clothes when you should have already left the house!)

5. Last but 100% not least – pamper time! 

The last one of my Sunday rituals is always my favourite – me time. As you should all know, self care is the most important thing you can ever do and what better time to do it, than on a Sunday evening. You don’t have to do a full on spa session, but a nice hot bath, face mask or nail paint can really help shoo away those Sunday blues and help you into the Monday motivation. I nearly always have a bubble bath and give my face a good scrub and cleanse – it just helps me feel ready to get some sleep and tackle anything that comes my way in the next week!

Let me know if you do any of these things or if you do anything different!

Happy Monday!

A x

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